The Nordic ISTDP conference in May 23-24 in 2025 will be a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues from across the world and continue learning ISTDP. The theme of the conference is ‘The Third Wave of ISTDP’. We will have four presenters: Jonathan Entis, Deborah Pollack, Jeanne Isakssen, Mikkel Reher-Langberg. We will have two hosts: Thomas Hesslow and Hanna Pedersen
ISTDP (Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy) is a highly effective form of psychotherapy that focuses on the unconscious conflicts that underlie psychological problems. ISTDP is based on the idea that these conflicts are the root cause of most psychological symptoms, and that by addressing them directly, we can help people to resolve their problems and achieve lasting change.
The Nordic ISTDP conference will provide an opportunity to learn more about ISTDP from some of the world’s leading experts. The conference will feature presentations on a variety of topics, including the latest research on ISTDP, the use of ISTDP in different settings, and the application of ISTDP to specific problems.
The conference will also provide an opportunity to network with other ISTDP therapists and to learn from their experiences. If you are interested in learning more about ISTDP, or if you are a therapist who is looking to expand your skills, the Nordic ISTDP conference is the perfect opportunity for you.
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